Lettere Natalizie


Testo italiano



      Michelangelo Buonarroti, Tondo Doni o Sacra Famiglia -Partic.-, Firenze Galleria degli Uffizi, 1504-1506


                They tell me that Child, of which 25 December each year, we celebrate Christmas, is God.

                I have to believe or not ? From this answer, it depends really, the fate of the world in time and eternity, visible and invisible .

                If you are not God, how can we explain what you did and you said ?

                No one said and did what you said and did, giving about you, the supreme test, that has revealed to us,  with divine fullness, that  you are:

The Risen.

                It also explains how what you say and do? None more so essentially infallible in time, continue to say and do what he said and did two thousand years ago: You are really the only Master! We have of what, irrefutable evidence in hand, and even bimillenary.

                But only one who is alive, that he is risen, and therefore can not be dominated by death, may prove to be so alive and so powerful, so intelligent and ubiquitous, the above parties as the life and death, as over the centuries.

                Indeed no one is real man again, like you, because no one can be true God and infinite, like you, the Creator of man himself.

                This is clear, because I repeat, no one does what you do, put his life instead of death, none of the peers, say what you say, now as in the past and into the future, putting the Truth, in place of the Lie .

                For this, you said and confirm today, that your words are of eternal life.

                For this same power you further clarify: My words shall not pass away.

                For this, you've defined: the Way, the Truth and the Life.

                For this, finally, you left us, saying : I'll be with you until the end of the world, when you return to judge the good and bad, according to Scripture.

                For all these things, then, O Child Jesus, you can not be that God, as the Bible says, and as they told ours fathers, ancient and modern, of Christian civilization.

                But paradoxically, I add, you can not be but God, even for what they say about you, all those who deny and mock you:

                In fact if you were dead, and you were not alive and powerful on the contrary, really risen, and as God  really present with your Rights and goods Drawings for everyone and everything , what reason would there be fighting against you and your followers, thousand ways and also, if necessary, to the death?

                The bodies are buried and not opposed by anyone. Instead who is alive and is considered the sworn enemy, we fight him, hoping finally be able to eradicate or even kill him,  if he is considered particularly dangerous and indomitable.

                For this, because those who declare you dead or lost, seeing and hearing that really you're alive (invincible and eternal as ever, and therefore dangerous), try to fight you as ever. For this reason, those who proclaim you dead, feel better (alas) so alarmed as angry, that your divine power and human strongly, dominates them; they make you war more bitter than before, to you and the Church, while this war , not is truly never ended since you was born in Bethlehem:

                Rather then as now, there are those who want to crucify you and failing, because the mud can not reach the stars, go against the faith, the Believers and the Righteous or the Innocent, and sometimes, just like 2000 years ago, killing or massacre, to them innocent. Only that the current and global massacre of the innocents,  is millions of times larger, than that of Herod.

                Then as now, you are betrayed and denied in ways old and new, because having been ineffective the ancients, they try to merge the new with the old, hoping to have more strength, and  finally bury you once and for all.

                But this is futile, because everything dies, and you  only, have very words of Eternal Life, but how does the Church and Scripture, indeed, as history shows it, you are life itself, eternal life.







Lettere Natalizie


Testo italiano